Citizenship Awards

Ova kampanja je završena.
Hvala na vašem doprinosu!



At the end of 2022, we started collecting EU citizens' ideas on the rights they would like all of us to have. Now we ask YOU to help us choose the three best new citizens' rights! Click on "Answer the Questionnaire" above and select the ones that you think are most needed

ECAS AWARDS will be granted to the three most voted-for ideas!

If you have additional questions, check out our FAQ section below.

How to participate

The ECAS crowdsourcing platform is where the magic happens. Create an account or log in to our platform and start voting.

Who can participate

You can take part in the competition if you are an EU citizen.

When will the voting end?

Voting will last until the 20th of February 2023

What are the awards?

The three ideas which have receibed the most votes will be awarded at a ceremony in Brussels in March 2023:
- Travel and accommodation costs of the winners to the award ceremony will be covered;
- A EUR 200 award;
- The winning ideas will be promoted through tailor-made videos produced by ECAS.

How many times can I vote?

Each individual can vote only once for his three most preferred rights.

I have a problem with the platform. Where can I get support?

Please contact us at info(at)

How will my data be processed?

Your data will be process strictly within the GDPR requirements. If you wish us to delete your data, contact us at info(at)


Platforma za Crowdsourcing sadrži razne kampanje. Molimo provjerite dolje one koje su trenutno aktivne i čekaju vaš doprinos. Posjetite stranicu kampanje i napravite razliku!

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