ECAS "HOME" Awards for the Most EU Mobile Citizen-Friendly Location

ECAS "HOME" Awards 2020 for the Most EU Mobile Citizen-Friendly Location

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??Europe is going local!??

We launched the ECAS 'HOME' Awards (Hosts Open for Mobile Europeans) for the first time this year in order to promote practices and initiatives that aim at fostering the inclusion of mobile EU citizens.

With the first phase of the selection now complete after our jury narrowed down the list of nominated initiatives to 10, it is now your turn to decide which of them deserves to win and be best practice that other initiatives, organisations, municipalities and regions should learn from.


So, get your game face on, get on our crowdsourcing platform and vote for your favourite initiative!



The best initiative will be announced in October 2020. The winner will be invited to and awarded during the ECAS conference in November 2020. The ECAS Awards are open to all EU cities and/or regions independently of their size and the number of EU mobile citizens they host. The initiatives can be submitted under the following categories: 1. Practices aimed at alleviating the effects of the COVID-19 outbreak on mobile EU citizens 2. Practices aimed at improving entry and residence rights of mobile EU citizens 3. Practices aimed at improving social and cultural inclusion of mobile EU citizens 4. Practices aimed at improving political inclusion of mobile EU citizens.

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